

Use your own digital camera — whether a DSLR with the latest features or a simple point-and-shoot — and learn what you need to know to produce remarkable images. Develop both technical and creative skills and learn what works — and what to avoid.

The courses, taught in small informal groups, are practical, hands-on and results-oriented. An enthusiastic professional with 25 years of experience and international recognition takes you through the courses step by step.

And for those who have just bought a new camera or received one as a gift, I'll explain what all those buttons, knobs and switches do. You’ll learn how to put your new equipment to work immediately.

Beginner Courses

For beginners, learn how to use your camera and produce beautiful images of family and friends, holiday destinations or special interests that you can be proud of. No experience is necessary — only the desire to learn.

Click here for more information

Intermediate Courses

If you already have some photographic skills, my intermediate classes will develop your confidence in challenging situations. Make the most of the features offered by modern digital photography and control the final results more than ever before.

Click here for more information